Large Ensemble

Fshs n th s (2024)

double ensembles, duration 20′

Chamber Music (2–10 players)

Borderline (2025)

feedback, objects, and electronics 20′

Fshs n th s (2024)

strings quartet, duration 9′

Under (2023)

solo violin and septet, duration 15′

Omote (2023) 

clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass, duration 6′

Air (2023)

flute, clarinet, cello, double bass, duration 8′

Echoes for Grótta Lighthouse and five performers (2023)

duration 45′

Omote (2023)

langspil, duration 5′

Æ (2023)

flute, oboe, bass clarinet, trumpet, french horn, piano, cello, double bass

duration 12′

Internal Clocks - slightly away but together (2022)

clarinet, bass clarinet, duration 14′


Stillness, Melting, Sounding (2025)

for five ice and objects duration 30′

Sound Installations

Echoes Of Rafstöð/Soundprints (2024)

I know I will never know (2022)

Disintegration in Polyphony - Six Elements (2022)

Echoes of Icebergs and Memories (2021)

Gárur for 5 Tape Loops and Field Recordings (2021)